Ponta Delgada Portugal on a Stopover?

For those of you travelling from North America to Portugal, you might end up in Ponta Delgada on a stopover.  Most people see this as an inconvenience, but for others it’s a great opportunity to take in this great remote Portuguese island.

Being that it’s so small, there are half-day (4 hours) and full day (7-8 hours) tours available right from PDL airport.  Prices range from €50 – €120 per vehicle with various options.

Some options to consider while you’re there include:
Miradouro da Caloura
Vila Franca do Campo (N. Sra. da Paz view point)
Poça da Dona Beija (thermal hot bathing pools)
Caldeiras (where they make the traditional “Cozido das Furnas“)
Caldeiras (to see the hot water springs)
Pico do Ferro (535m)
Gorreana and visit to the Tea Plantation and factory
Miradouro of Stª Iria

And for surfers: Santa Barbara!